Sleep and Brain Health: How to obtain optimal well-being

Dr. Shook dedicates her work to helping people be healthier, feel better, and live longer, happier lives. She has conducted sleep wellness, brain health, and habit changing workshops in a wide range of settings in the U.S. and various countries. On this website you will find free resources, such as handouts for sleep wellness and brain health. You can listen to the recording below of Dr. Shook’s interview on NPR where she discusses foods and choices to improve neurologic health, mood, and cognitive function. Visit the book section to learn about treatments and prevention for neurologic disorders such as Alzheimer’s, migraine, and more.

  1. NPR interview with Dr. Shook Body Show 59:02

This site is intended as an informational guide. The remedies, techniques and advice sessions are not meant to substitute for professional medical care. They should not be used to treat a serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified health care professional.